For Valentina
Maybe one day
there will come a time
when needless things
can cease to exist—
like definitions
of “dictionary”
inside dictionaries,
or the fear of losing
lovers who rarely
tell you they love you,
yet always remember
what day you were born,
who never forget
anything you told them,
and are happy
to cancel their plans,
only to be with you.
Even more frightening
is the act of falling in love
while knowing its definition—
like watching a good play
whose plot someone
has already ruined—
like taking long walks
in foreign cities
you’ve just entered
but still can’t get lost in
because every sign is familiar
and every intersection is safe.
Almost unbearable
would be the prospect
of having lived
next to a living volcano,
knowing it would never
erupt in your lifetime,
never make an easy day difficult
or a difficult one easy—
like a wise man not falling
for his urge to run when it lies to him
and trusting his terror
when it tells him to stay,
so it can slowly undress
and reveal only the nakedness
of its courage.
Unthinkable to return
home now, to a place
where you know
where everything is,
and there’s nothing
more to be found—
like a treasure you buried
just to forget it.
Poetic Voices