Ruth Fogelman, a long-time resident of Jerusalem’s Old City, is the winner of the Reuben Rose Poetry Competition, 2006. Her poetry received an honorable mention in the Lindberg Peace Foundation Poetry Contest and was a commended winner of the John Reid Traditional Poetry Competition, 2007. Ruth’s first full poetry collection, Cradled in God’s Arms, was released in 2009. Ruth is author of Within the Walls of Jerusalem: A Personal Perspective. Her poems, articles, short stories and photography have appeared in anthologies and various publications in Israel, the USA and India, including Woman Prayers (ed. Mary Ford-Grabowsky), Harper San Francisco, 2003; The Jerusalem Post Magazine; The Deronda Review; Bellowing Ark; Arc; Poetica: Reflections on Jewish Thought; Wellsprings; B'Or HaTorah, and e-journals, including Point and Circumference, Cyclamens and Swords, and Poetica Magazine.
She leads the Pri Hadash Women’s Writing Workshop in Jerusalem and holds a Masters Degree from the Creative Writing Program of Bar Ilan University. |