Fernando Sánchez Pitarch is a founding member of the Academia de l'Aragonés (Estudio de Filología Aragonesa) [Aragonese Academy (Study of Aragonese Philology)]. He is also a member of two of the main groups involved in the defence of the Aragonese language: Nogará-Religada, of which he is currently the general director, and Consello d'a Fabla Aragonesa [Aragonese Language Council]. His research is devoted principally to Aragonese dialectology. He has written various studies of the morphosyntaxis and lexis of local variants such as those from A Fueva, Agüero and Campo, as well as works on syntax, Medieval Aragonese and linguistic normalisation. He has also published a large number of articles and opinion pieces in journals such as Fuellas [Leaves] and O Espiello [The Mirror]. He was the founder and first director of O Espiello and is currently a member of its editorial board. He has also taught courses and given lectures on Aragonese in a wide variety of locations.