Kosrof Chantikian's new book of poems, The Songs Inside of You, was published in June 2020.
His forthcoming book of poems, Love Poems in the Age of Corona, will be published in 2022.
He was a finalist in the Dogwood Literary Prize in Poetry for 2018 and 2020.
He is also the author of two earlier poetry books: Prophecies & Transformations, and Imaginations & Self-Discoveries.
He is the Editor of Octavio Paz: Homage to the Poet, and The Other Shore: 100 Poems by Rafael Alberti. He was Editor of KOSMOS: A Journal of Poetry, and Series Editor of the KOSMOS Modern Poets in Translation Series.
His poems have appeared in Amerus, Ararat, Blue Unicorn, Dogwood: A Journal of Poetry and Prose, Green House, Grey Sparrow Journal, KOSMOS: A Journal of Poetry, Leveler Poetry, Marin Poetry Center Anthology, Snow Jewel, Verse Wisconsin, and other journals.
His essay on Octavio Paz entitled "The Poetry and Thought of Octavio Paz: An Introduction” appeared in "Octavio Paz: Homage to the Poet," and was reprinted in Octavio Paz edited by Harold Bloom.
He was educated at New York University and received Master’s degrees in both Philosophy and Mathematics.