Welcome to English Writers 2, presenting the poetry of William Bedford, Linda Black, Alison Brackenbury, Josephine Dickinson, John McCullough, Alberto Manguel, Ruth Padel, Rebecca Swift and Alan Wall; and the prose of Richard Berengarten, Jean Boase-Beier, Jill Dawson, Neil Langdon Inglis, Gabriel Josipovici and Yudit Kiss; with these texts complemented by the artwork of Argentine artist, Rodolfo Zagert.
We welcome also Laura Moser as our Washington D.C. Editor/ Senior Editor-at Large.
The Editors
Le damos la bienvenida a English Writers 2, presentando la poesía de William Bedford, Linda Black, Alison Brackenbury, Josephine Dickinson, John McCullough, Alberto Manguel, Ruth Padel, Rebecca Swift y Alan Wall; y la prosa de Richard Berengarten, Jean Boase-Beier, Jill Dawson, Neil Langdon Inglis, Gabriel Josipovici y Yudit Kiss; con estos textos complementados por las ilustraciones del artista argentino, Rodolfo Zagert.
Damos la bienvenida también a Laura Moser, nuestra Washington D. C. Editor/Senior Editor-at-Large.
Los Editores