A leaf is nibbled the nibbler is gone
I look underneath no I see no-one
Stickle-cell Yellow-edge Pith-vein Spore
A stem ends abruptly stands like a waif
handless & headless nothing is safe
Saw-finger Grub-claw Slime-rot Vector
I thought you a beauty then something thin
crept uninvited under your skin
Raggedy-root Blot-core Lop-mass Scavenger
A tell-tale sign a sudden sharp snap
biting the bud sucking the sap
Crown-rot Cripple-leaf Stunt-bloom Mania
Pale mottled patches velvet-grey mould
empty white husks exposed & cold
Tulip-scorch Red-thread Fire-blight Burn
I stalk a trail silent & sallow
Blight o’the night foiled in the marrow
Dithane Hexyl Longlast Fester