David Dabydeen was, earlier this year, awarded the prestigious "Hind Rattan Award" ('Jewel of India') by the Non-Resident Indian Society of India for outstanding contributions to the literary and intellectual life of the Indian diaspora. In 2007 he co-edited The Oxford Companion to Black British History with John Gilmore, and also published his new novel Molly and the Muslim Stick. Another novel Our Lady of Demarara was published in 2004. He is currently working on a neglected 19th Century Caribbean poet, Egbert Martin. Dabydeen was Consultant to Channel 4's three-part series on interracial sex Forbidden Fruit which was broadcast in 2003. His one-hour documentary Painting the People was broadcast by BBC television in 2004. He was awarded the 2004 Raja Rao Award for literature. He is Guyana's Ambassador and Permanent Delegate to UNESCO.