The International Literary Quarterly

November 2008


Gillian Beer
Amit Chaudhuri
Jonathan Dunne
Tsvetanka Elenkova
Ernest Farrés
Paul Giles
Mina Gorji
Geoffrey Hartman
Christopher Lane
Andrew Motion
Wendy O' Shea-Meddour
Tanyo Ravicz
Lawrence Venuti
Stanley Wells
Augustus Young

Founding Editor: Peter Robertson
Art Editor: Calum Colvin
Consulting Editor: Marjorie Agosín
Consulting Editor: Jill Dawson
Consulting Editor: Denise Duhamel
Consulting Editor: Beatriz Hausner
Consulting Editor: Mimi Khalvati
Consulting Editor: Suzanne Jill Levine
Consulting Editor: Margot Livesey
Associate Editor: Neil Langdon Inglis
Assistant Editor:
Jeff Barry
Assistant Editor: Ana de Biase
Assistant Editor: Sophie Lewis
Issue 5 Guest Artist: Tom Phillips

The International Literary Quarterly
Click to enlarge picture Click to enlarge picture. Dear Guest,
I am delighted to welcome you to Issue 5 of The International Literary Quarterly.

Last November I launched the review, driven by my resolve that the best literature, from both the world of letters and that of academe, be showcased on the Internet. I was committed to ensuring that first-rate writing, complemented by outstanding artwork, be made available to all, at the click of a finger. Celebrating our first year, it is timely not only to take stock of what ILQ has achieved but also to consider our goals for the future, and these two strands turn out to be part of the same continuum. With quality as our touchstone, and wary of any manifesto, the review will continue to provide a forum for all genres and, in light of the fact that the editors are themselves writers, to nurture the publication of the finest contemporary literature.

And who can dispute that Issue 5 is the peer of any other with trenchant, thought-provoking essays by Gillian Beer, Amit Chaudhuri, Paul Giles, Christopher Lane, Wendy O’Shea-Meddour and Stanley Wells; vivid, haunting, poetry by Jonathan Dunne, Tsvetanka Elenkova, Ernest Farrés, Mina Gorji, Geoffrey Hartman, Andrew Motion, Lawrence Venuti and Augustus Young; and the fluid and accomplished prose of Tanyo Ravicz. And all of these texts complemented by artwork by Tom Phillips, the Royal Academician, and indisputably one of our greatest living artists.

May I wish you all, wherever you may be, the best for the end of this year and, as we hover on the edge of 2009, an excellent start to the next. I hope you will return to visit us many times in the future.

With warm regards,
Peter Robertson