The International Literary Quarterly

August 2008


Daniel Albright
Meena Alexander
David Dabydeen
Alice Fulton
Richard McKane
Jonathan Morley
Michael Schmidt
Tuğrul Tanyol
Alan Wall
Marina Warner
Edwin Williamson
Xu Xi
Gao Xingjian

Founding Editor: Peter Robertson
Art Editor: Calum Colvin
Consulting Editor: Marjorie Agosín
Consulting Editor: Jill Dawson
Consulting Editor: Beatriz Hausner
Consulting Editor: Mimi Khalvati
Consulting Editor: Suzanne Jill Levine
Associate Editor: Neil Langdon Inglis
Assistant Editor:
Jeff Barry
Assistant Editor: Ana de Biase
Assistant Editor: Sophie Lewis
Issue 4 Guest Artist: Arturo Di Stefano

The International Literary Quarterly
Click to enlarge picture Click to enlarge picture. Dear Guest,
I am delighted to welcome you to Issue 4 of The International Literary Quarterly.

Jorge Luís Borges looms large in this issue, cited by Alan Wall, and the subject of an essay by Edwin Williamson.

We learn that Borges’ story “Pierre Menard, the author of Don Quixote” was first published in Sur, the review presided over by Victoria Ocampo, and bestriding the cultural scene between 1931 and 1992.

While Sur, as a standard-bearer of internationalism, is to be emulated, its partisan line is at odds with this review’s belief that art must rise above overt political affiliation. This sentiment is also affirmed by Nobel Laureate, Gao Xingjian, in his interview with David Dabydeen and Jonathan Morley.

Such a conviction is underscored by the fact that much of human experience transcends national barriers, as borne out by Xu Xi whose protagonist is shaped by both Asian and American influences; Indian writer Meena Alexander who writes movingly about the ravages of war in Darfur; Marina Warner who evokes Egypt, no doubt inspired by her early childhood there; and Richard McKane who, having spent many years in Turkey, has translated poets such as Tuğrul Tanyol.

Meanwhile, Anglo-Saxon authors, Daniel Albright, Alice Fulton, and Michael Schmidt, writing about events closer to home, prove that they are academics who possess remarkable literary gifts.

And let us not forget to thank artist, Arturo Di Stefano, for enriching our journey with his profound yet subtle images.

Thank you for your visit, and may you return to visit us many times in the future!

Best regards,
Peter Robertson