Interlitq Issue 17
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In memory of Ruth Langdon Inglis, writer and journalist, born Mukden, China 17 December 1927; died London 15 December 2005.



We are delighted to welcome you to Issue 17 of Interlitq, presenting the poetry of Innokenty Annensky, Konstantin Nikolaevich Batyushkov, S. B. Easwaran, Alexandra Fraser and Mikhail Lermontov; the prose of Sven Birkerts, Hernán Neira, Tanyo Ravicz and Peter Robertson; and the translations of Peter France, with these texts complemented by the artwork of Susana Wald.

Furthermore, we are delighted that Elena Poniatowska has kindly accepted the Editors’ invitation to act as a Vice-President of Interlitq, alongside Sari Nusseibeh, and that Geraldine Maxwell has kindly accepted the Editors’ invitation to act as a Deputy Editor of Interlitq.

The Editors



Es un placer darle la bienvenida al número 17 de Interlitq, presentando la poesia de Innokenty Annensky, Konstantin Nikolaevich Batyushkov, S. B. Easwaran, Alexandra Fraser y Mikhail Lermontov; la prosa de Sven Birkerts, Hernán Neira, Tanyo Ravicz y Peter Robertson; y las traducciones de Peter France, con estos textos complementados por las ilustraciones de Susana Wald.

Tambien es un placer informarle que Elena Poniatowska ha tenido la gentileza de aceptar la invitación a ejercer, con Sari Nusseibeh, como un Vice-Presidente de Interlitq; y que Geraldine Maxwell ha tenido la gentileza de aceptar la invitación a ejercer como una Editora Adjunta (Deputy Editor) de Interlitq.

Los Editores